44 research outputs found

    Deep quaternion neural networks for spoken language understanding

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    International audienceThe availability of open-source software is playing a remarkable role in the popularization of speech recognition and deep learning. Kaldi, for instance, is nowadays an established framework used to develop state-of-the-art speech recognizers. PyTorch is used to build neural networks with the Python language and has recently spawn tremendous interest within the machine learning community thanks to its simplicity and flexibility. The PyTorch-Kaldi project aims to bridge the gap between these popular toolkits, trying to inherit the efficiency of Kaldi and the flexibility of PyTorch. PyTorch-Kaldi is not only a simple interface between these software, but it embeds several useful features for developing modern speech recognizers. For instance, the code is specifically designed to naturally plug-in user-defined acoustic models. As an alternative, users can exploit several pre-implemented neural networks that can be customized using intuitive configuration files. PyTorch-Kaldi supports multiple feature and label streams as well as combinations of neural networks, enabling the use of complex neural architectures. The toolkit is publicly-released along with a rich documentation and is designed to properly work locally or on HPC clusters. Experiments, that are conducted on several datasets and tasks, show that PyTorch-Kaldi can effectively be used to develop modern state-of-the-art speech recognizers

    Représentations robustes de documents bruités dans des espaces homogènes

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    In the Information Retrieval field, documents are usually considered as a "bagof-words". This model does not take into account the temporal structure of thedocument and is sensitive to noises which can alter its lexical form. These noisescan be produced by different sources : uncontrolled form of documents in microbloggingplatforms, automatic transcription of speech documents which are errorprone,lexical and grammatical variabilities in Web forums. . . The work presented inthis thesis addresses issues related to document representations from noisy sources.The thesis consists of three parts in which different representations of content areavailable. The first one compares a classical representation based on a term-frequencyrepresentation to a higher level representation based on a topic space. The abstractionof the document content allows us to limit the alteration of the noisy document byrepresenting its content with a set of high-level features. Our experiments confirm thatmapping a noisy document into a topic space allows us to improve the results obtainedduring different information retrieval tasks compared to a classical approach based onterm frequency. The major problem with such a high-level representation is that it isbased on a space theme whose parameters are chosen empirically.The second part presents a novel representation based on multiple topic spaces thatallow us to solve three main problems : the closeness of the subjects discussed in thedocument, the tricky choice of the "right" values of the topic space parameters and therobustness of the topic-based representation. Based on the idea that a single representationof the contents cannot capture all the relevant information, we propose to increasethe number of views on a single document. This multiplication of views generates "artificial"observations that contain fragments of useful information. The first experimentvalidated the multi-view approach to represent noisy texts. However, it has the disadvantageof being very large and redundant and of containing additional variability associatedwith the diversity of views. In the second step, we propose a method based onfactor analysis to compact the different views and to obtain a new robust representationof low dimension which contains only the informative part of the document whilethe noisy variabilities are compensated. During a dialogue classification task, the compressionprocess confirmed that this compact representation allows us to improve therobustness of noisy document representation.Nonetheless, during the learning process of topic spaces, the document is consideredas a "bag-of-words" while many studies have showed that the word position in a7document is useful. A representation which takes into account the temporal structureof the document based on hyper-complex numbers is proposed in the third part. Thisrepresentation is based on the hyper-complex numbers of dimension four named quaternions.Our experiments on a classification task have showed the effectiveness of theproposed approach compared to a conventional "bag-of-words" representation.En recherche d’information, les documents sont le plus souvent considérés comme des "sacs-de-mots". Ce modèle ne tient pas compte de la structure temporelle du document et est sensible aux bruits qui peuvent altérer la forme lexicale. Ces bruits peuvent être produits par différentes sources : forme peu contrôlée des messages des sites de micro-blogging, messages vocaux dont la transcription automatique contient des erreurs, variabilités lexicales et grammaticales dans les forums du Web. . . Le travail présenté dans cette thèse s’intéresse au problème de la représentation de documents issus de sources bruitées.La thèse comporte trois parties dans lesquelles différentes représentations des contenus sont proposées. La première partie compare une représentation classique utilisant la fréquence des mots à une représentation de haut-niveau s’appuyant sur un espace de thèmes. Cette abstraction du contenu permet de limiter l’altération de la forme de surface du document bruité en le représentant par un ensemble de caractéristiques de haut-niveau. Nos expériences confirment que cette projection dans un espace de thèmes permet d’améliorer les résultats obtenus sur diverses tâches de recherche d’information en comparaison d’une représentation plus classique utilisant la fréquence des mots.Le problème majeur d’une telle représentation est qu’elle est fondée sur un espace de thèmes dont les paramètres sont choisis empiriquement.La deuxième partie décrit une nouvelle représentation s’appuyant sur des espaces multiples et permettant de résoudre trois problèmes majeurs : la proximité des sujets traités dans le document, le choix difficile des paramètres du modèle de thèmes ainsi que la robustesse de la représentation. Partant de l’idée qu’une seule représentation des contenus ne peut pas capturer l’ensemble des informations utiles, nous proposons d’augmenter le nombre de vues sur un même document. Cette multiplication des vues permet de générer des observations "artificielles" qui contiennent des fragments de l’information utile. Une première expérience a validé cette approche multi-vues de la représentation de textes bruités. Elle a cependant l’inconvénient d’être très volumineuse,redondante, et de contenir une variabilité additionnelle liée à la diversité des vues. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une méthode s’appuyant sur l’analyse factorielle pour fusionner les vues multiples et obtenir une nouvelle représentation robuste,de dimension réduite, ne contenant que la partie "utile" du document tout en réduisant les variabilités "parasites". Lors d’une tâche de catégorisation de conversations,ce processus de compression a confirmé qu’il permettait d’augmenter la robustesse de la représentation du document bruité.Cependant, lors de l’élaboration des espaces de thèmes, le document reste considéré comme un "sac-de-mots" alors que plusieurs études montrent que la position d’un terme au sein du document est importante. Une représentation tenant compte de cette structure temporelle du document est proposée dans la troisième partie. Cette représentation s’appuie sur les nombres hyper-complexes de dimension appelés quaternions. Nos expériences menées sur une tâche de catégorisation ont montré l’efficacité de cette méthode comparativement aux représentations classiques en "sacs-de-mots"

    A Comparison of Normalization Techniques Applied to Latent Space Representations for Speech Analytics

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    International audienceIn the context of noisy environments, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems usually produce poor transcription quality which also negatively impact performance of speech analyt-ics. Various methods have then been proposed to compensate the bad effect of ASR errors, mainly by projecting transcribed words in an abstract space. In this paper, we seek to identify themes from dialogues of telephone conversation services using latent topic-spaces estimated from a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). As an outcome, a document can be represented with a vector containing probabilities to be associated to each topic estimated with LDA. This vector should nonetheless be normalized to condition document representations. We propose to compare the original LDA vector representation (without normalization) with two normalization approaches, the Eigen Factor Radial (EFR) and the Feature Warping (FW) methods, already successfully applied in speaker recognition field, but never compared and evaluated in the context of a speech analytic task. Results show the interest of these normalization techniques for theme identification tasks using automatic transcriptions The EFR normalization approach allows a gain of 3.67 and 3.06 points respectively in comparison to the absence of normalization and to the FW normalization technique

    Artificial Intelligence: A Tale of Social Responsibility

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    Conversely to the legislation that struggles to develop, regulate and supervise the use of artificial intelligence (AI), the civil society, that gradually realizes the fundamental issues and perspectives induced by this new technology, slowly starts to take responsibility and to mobilize. Social responsibility expresses itself through the emergence of new voluntary standards, that could integrate the concept of social good with the use of AI. More precisely, this paper proposes to develop three axes of tools for the social responsibility in AI, including stakeholder awareness, the integration of ethical and technical standards to induce good behaviors, and the incitement to a responsible AI

    Quaternion convolutional neural networks for heterogeneous image processing

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    International audienceConvolutional neural networks (CNN) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results in various applications. In the case of image recognition, an ideal model has to learn independently of the training data, both local dependencies between the three components (R,G,B) of a pixel, and the global relations describing edges or shapes, making it efficient with small or heterogeneous datasets. Quaternion-valued convo-lutional neural networks (QCNN) solved this problematic by introducing multidimensional algebra to CNN. This paper proposes to explore the fundamental reason of the success of QCNN over CNN, by investigating the impact of the Hamilton product on a color image reconstruction task performed from a gray-scale only training. By learning independently both internal and external relations and with less parameters than real valued convolutional encoder-decoder (CAE), quaternion convolutional encoder-decoders (QCAE) perfectly reconstructed unseen color images while CAE produced worst and gray-scale versions. Index Terms-Quaternion convolutional encoder-decoder, convolutional neural networks, heterogeneous image processin

    Quaternion Denoising Encoder-Decoder for Theme Identification of Telephone Conversations

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    International audienceIn the last decades, encoder-decoders or autoencoders (AE) have received a great interest from researchers due to their capability to construct robust representations of documents in a low dimensional subspace. Nonetheless, autoencoders reveal little in way of spoken document internal structure by only considering words or topics contained in the document as an isolate basic element, and tend to overfit with small corpus of documents. Therefore, Quaternion Multi-layer Perceptrons (QMLP) have been introduced to capture such internal latent dependencies , whereas denoising autoencoders (DAE) are composed with different stochastic noises to better process small set of documents. This paper presents a novel autoencoder based on both hitherto-proposed DAE (to manage small corpus) and the QMLP (to consider internal latent structures) called "Quater-nion denoising encoder-decoder" (QDAE). Moreover, the paper defines an original angular Gaussian noise adapted to the speci-ficity of hyper-complex algebra. The experiments, conduced on a theme identification task of spoken dialogues from the DE-CODA framework, show that the QDAE obtains the promising gains of 3% and 1.5% compared to the standard real valued de-noising autoencoder and the QMLP respectively